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Pumpkin Smoothie

One of the most important tips I learned from the founder of Longevity Now and Nutritional Guru, David Avocado Wolfe is the importance of adding raw fats when juicing or smoothing greens and carrots!

Raw fats help uptake the vitamins and nutrients in the dense leafy greens and carrot blends.

Check out his video as he explains,

Here is a seasonal Smoothie recipes that gives you raw fats and healthy doses of VITAMIN A for restoring and building healthy body tissues!

Pumpkin Smoothie

2 cups Carrot Juice,

1/4 c. Coconut/Almond Mylk,

1/8 cup Cashews,

1 cap full Pumpkin Oil,

1 banana,

2 tbl soaked goji,

3 dates

And a sprinkle of pumpkin spice….

1. Blend almond milk, coconut, and dates to make base

2. blend in the rest of the ingredients