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Category: Earthly Treats Recipes

More Raw-vocado Mousse…Please!

Earthly’ Sweet Tooth! Yes, we love to indulge (once in a while!) This is my favorite dessert! Serve with fresh berries, this pudding Rawks! _____________________ Raw~vocado and Cacao Pudding (2 cups) In the food processor, blend the oil and sweetener together, then add the avocados and cacao until smooth. (add more oil if too lumpy,...
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Earthly Sweet Eats! Totally Rawkin’ Coconut Cashew-cheez Cake~

Let Them Eat, Raw Cheezecake! Viola! We have been wanting to make a raw cheezcake for a while now, and the Holidays gave us the perfect opportunity! Ah yes, it was a bit hard to compete with those traditional sweets on the holiday table, organic apple & homemade pumpkin pies; but, this raw cheezcake was...
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