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Earthly Sweet Eats! Totally Rawkin’ Coconut Cashew-cheez Cake~

Let Them Eat, Raw Cheezecake!

cheeze cake(2)

We have been wanting to make a raw cheezcake for a while now, and the Holidays gave us the perfect opportunity!

Ah yes, it was a bit hard to compete with those traditional sweets on the holiday table, organic apple & homemade pumpkin pies; but, this raw cheezcake was a super hit!!!!

We are definitely planning on making this again, and hope to add it into our next food lesson!

So easy, so delicious, and totally Raw~

Check it out:

The Crust:

1 cup of raw macadamia nuts

1 cup of organic golden yellow raisins

1/4 cup of shredded organic unsweetened coconut

2 tbl of agave nectar (or date syrup)

1/2 tbl of cinnamon

How to do it:

Blend all ingredients together in the food processor.

Pulse, until everything is thickly chopped and sticking together.

Add, more agave to the crust batter to help moisten and form up, if needed. (Do not over blend!)

In a spring form round pie tin, layer bottom with plastic wrap/or coconut oil.

(Plastic wrap efficiently helps pop the finished pie out of the pan!)

Remove from crust batter from food processor and gentle press into the bottom of the pan, spread evenly

to the entire outer edges.

The Cashew Cheez Filling:

2 cups of raw Navitas Natural Cashews (soaked 4+ hours)

2 young Coconuts (coconut meat and milk)

2 limes

2 vanilla beans (remove the nectar)

1/4 cup of raw agave nectar

1/4 coconut oil, at room temperature

1/2 tbl spoon each of ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg

How to do it:

In the food processor, add the soaked cashews and coconut meat, 1/4 of the coconut milk, and pulse. Add in the rest of the ingredients (agave, spices, lime juices, and coconut oils). Use the remainder of the coconut milk and lime juice to help gauge the creamy consistency. The result should be thick and blended. The coconut oil should be added in as a liquid form, which will help the filling firm up later when chilled. Gently add the cream filling onto the crust in the spring form tin, and refrigerate for several hours (overnight).

Next, gently release the cake from the tin using a knife, this will also create a texture around the edges of the cake. Then, flip over the cake and place onto a plate.

Set the plated cake in the freezer for another hour, this will help set the form again.

Remove the cake from the freezer, and decorate/top with organic raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries.
